Online Services
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, counsellors were faced with difficult decisions in regards to counselling and therapy. Do we put therapy on hold until it ends? To many counsellors, this seemed unethical because our clients well-being matters. Face-to-face was not a viable option, so I decided as many counsellors did to give clients the option of telephone and/or online counselling. Doing extra training in these areas had enabled the Embrace Centre to continue with good standing ethics with helping our clients. This service will continue to be a service offered even when face to face returns, especially if this way of counselling suits your situation better, online counselling and therapy is a great option.
Telephone Calls
This is available for any one who wants counselling and therapy, but can’t do video calls where they are because of circumstances, and/or worried and stressed with the thought of seeing someone face to face through video or personally. Once the therapeutic relationship has started you can remain using telephone services or move into video or personal face to face.
Video Calls
This way of counselling is the best way for therapy, especially with COVID-19 restrictions for face to face counselling. This gives you an opportunity to see your counsellor safely and have your sessions in the comfort of your own home. Even after lock down eases, this service will still be available to all who want this. I have completed the B.A.C.P.-O.U. course for working online during this pandemic, ensuring B.A.C.P.’s ethical framework for counselling is adhered to through video counselling.
Whether you choose Telephone Counselling or Video Consultation, I’m here to help and support you with what you need to bring with you to the session and what we can achieve through counselling.