
Please click an icon to scroll to the relevant service.

Bereavement and Loss


When the loss of a loved one feels overwhelming, counselling can support you on this journey at a pace that is right for you, you are not alone in this difficult time. I support you as you support yourself and others.

  • Working compassionately with death of a loved one

  • Loss of friendship, love, work etc

A loss can make even the strongest of us waver. With counselling you can navigate your way through with the five models of grief, Assumptive World Theory; Dual Process Model; Meaning Making; Relearning the World and Continuing Bonds, using the ones that are relevant for you.

Children & Young People


This counselling is to support and help children and young people face challenges with tools to help and guide them in a way that works for their age. I support and encourage awareness and understanding and also offer a space to just be themselves without judgement or criticism. And I offer talking therapy, and creative therapy, including play, art, sand tray, music, Lego therapy to any child and young person.

  • Mental health

  • Confusion

  • Identity

  • Bullying

  • School/college problems

  • Friendships and love

  • Family problems

  • Issues around self and more

Being able to talk about what is going on within or around you gives you the choice to make a difference to your life.

“Every person is different and has a different contribution to make. No one is destined to fail”. Henry B. Eyring.

Counselling for children and young people can help them to grow, and have the tool kit they need in their own river of life.

 Domestic Abuse


This service is for those who are in a domestic abuse situation, those using abusing behaviour someone or the one being abused. This is a 2-part service. First, individual counselling, to help support those being abused, and look at where they want to be and have the confidence in themselves to make the right decision for them; which can include guidance, sign posting, etc. Second, individual counselling to help work with the person abusing another, why they do it and explore changes to stop the behaviour. To take responsibility for their actions and be able to have better and healthier relationships with the ones he loves. This could also include, sign posting etc.

Domestic Abuse can fit into one or more areas and here’s a list you may recognize;

  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Psychological

  • Financial / Economic abuse

  • Sexual

  • Harassment and Stalking

  • Online or Digital abuse

  • Coercive control

“At any given moment, you have the power to say this is not how the story is going to end”, Christine Mason Miller.

“The more that we choose not to talk about domestic violence, the more we shy away from the issue, the more we lose”, Russell Wilson.

“When it comes to abuse, you believe there is no way out. There is always help. There is always a way out”, Rev. Donna Mulvey.

 Family Therapy


This can be for all the family or those who are having difficulty with each other. Working together in therapy, listening to each other and making goals together, so you can enjoy more fun and laughter as a family.

  • Parent child conflict

  • Sibling rivalry

  • Illness

  • Mental health

  • Abuse

  • One parent families

  • Step families/ Blended families

  • Parent parent conflict

“Some families are created in different ways. But are still in every way a family”,

Embrace the family that’s yours.

 Mental Health


This service can cross over with other services I offer. It’s for those suffering and living with mental illness and the issues it brings in your daily life. Also for those partners who live with a person with mental illness or even family members.

  • Mental disorders

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Stress

  • OCD

  • Phobia

  • Fears

  • Eating disorders

  • Self esteem / Worth

  • Weight and more.

Mental Heath affects all of us at some point in our lives, either by having it or living with someone going through it.

“If you’re feeling blue - try painting yourself a different colour”, Hannah Cheaton, aged 8.

Through counselling you can find the right tools to help you navigate this difficult route and start your journey to where you want to be.



This is for individuals, couples, close attachment relationships and intimate relationships. Whether you are starting a relationship or who are in a relationship, where issues and problems are difficult to work through and sort out. It can range from small every day concerns to huge issues that cause conflict and hurt in one or both of the couple.

  • Couple

  • Friendship

  • Affairs

  • Divorce

  • Abuse

  • Identity

  • Work relationships or Colleagues

Relationships can feel difficult when other things around you aren’t going well, whether it’s situational or familial. Working things through with a third party can help you explore what is happening and then enable you to find the right way and ideas to benefit and grow your relationship.

“Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved”, Thomas S. Monson.

 Sex and Intimacy


This counselling service is for those who are having issues around sex and intimacy and the depth these can bring to your relationship. It can also include desire, affection, feeling loved by your partner and by yourself. This service is also for those who are struggling with who they are and how this fit in a relationship with another person.

  • Physical and emotion connection with sex

  • Gender

  • Identity

  • Orientation

  • Closeness

  • Addiction

The topic of sex and intimacy is often difficult for many to talk about, especially when sharing private issues around this topic. Through counselling you will receive respect, and a non-judgmental approach as you navigate your journey around sex and/ or intimacy.

“Never be afraid to let yourself bloom”, Unknown.



Who’s in Charge? Program.

This program is for parents where there is child to parent violence and abuse. If you are a parent with children between the ages of 8 - 18, who have and are facing children using abusive behaviour, then this course is for you. It is a 9 week course. I offer support, understanding and helpful skills to navigate various situations you are now facing. “Parents are the solution and NOT the problem”.

Separated Parents Program.

This program is for parents who have or will be separating. It enables parents to work together for their children and find the right way for them to promote and encourage a relationship for their children to have with their parents.

LDS Addiction Recovery Program.

This is an addiction program, produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and is a 12 step program. This is a group session workshop. However, if that is not possible it can be done 1 to 1.

For more information about these courses please contact me directly. Thank you.